Tuesday, September 13, 2022

How to use NVIDIA Broadcast

I just started looking at programs that would allow me to change the background on the webcam in order to not have any distractions on videos if I ever want to use it. In short there are quite a few programs out there, but some required an account to be made in order to use them. Others have a watermark and are very limited in what you can do. Then I ran into the Nvidia broadcast program that allows you to do just that. It's exactly what I wanted. The only catch is you have to have an nvidia graphics card which my laptop does. In any case here's a very good video I found on youtube and it's very easy to use if you already own one of these graphics cards. Also, I read that many of the video conferencing programs already have the ability to change the backgrounds as well. If you're using one of those programs, you may not need to download another program in order to do that. I like the simplicity of this program and the ease of use. It also works very well not only keeping the lines clean but also reducing background noises. Others I tried just looked bad.

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