Sunday, January 28, 2018

Hacking group targets android phones. One more reason why apps should not be allowed more access than they really need.

This phone will be intersting to see when it comes out.

This is not going to help Intel one bit.

Cryptocurrency mining through scripts on youtube ads. Just when you thought those ads couldn't get any worst.

Intel CEO sold shares the same day they informed oems of bugs.

Boeing tests new alloy for wings.

Apple will discontinue 32-bit app support.

7-Zip memory corruptions

Cryptocurrentcy heist.

Jackpotting atm machines.

Ikea founder dies.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

This seems crazy.

I'll add my own thoughts about this. First of all, all systems have their pros and cons. I'm not one to stick to one or another for those simple reasons. I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly on all of them. I know many people are either Apple, Windows, or Linux. So having the ability to use anything is a good thing vs having just one. Sometimes that can also be a good thing, specially in smaller organizations. It just depends. Then on the other side of the coin you have those that make the decisions based on other factors that have nothing to do with IT. This can be good or really bad. In short, always keep an open mind and you should be okay. As for the article, well that's a lot to think about.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Bios usb programmer.

I ordered this programmer because I thought I had bricked the nas motherboard with a firmware update this past year. So I thought I try one of these programmers. The good news is that the board wasn't bricked, but the update just didn't go through so well so I had to do a few more steps after I contacted the manufacturer of the board. Needless to say, I wanted to have one of these on hand just in case.  You don't get any software with the board but I found a great blog post on it. There is also a clip type of adapter that can be plugged into these so that you never have to de-solder any chip from the board. I don't know if it works for all or not since I have yet to use it, but that's a better option than having to de-solder anything. The removable chips can just be plugged directly to the programmer.

Here's the other clip I mentioned. As you can see the small board is the same as the one included with the programmer, but this one comes with pins on both sides. Unfortunately the programmers don't seem to solder the pins and they also don't include the extra pins to solder on the other side of the board. There are other adapters but I think these are the two most basic ones that you will need. Just to be clear though, you should really never need to do this at all if the board program works. I still have yet to need it, but it's good to have one just in case.

The shoe that grows.

HANDJET EBS-260 - improved hand held, portable, mobile ink jet printer -...

I thought everyone in the US pumped their own gas. I guess there are two states that still don't. Whow knew? Either way some of the responses will leave you speechless.

Now don't get me wrong, there are many countries where attendants will pump the gas for you. In the USA, we just tend to do it ourselves for the most part. And yes, there are times when having an attendant is a good thing. For example someone with disabilities may want or need to get some help. This can also include some senior citizens.I guess the point is that I didn't realize you needed a law to let fully functioning people get out of their car and pump their own gas.

Motel 6 giving guest lists to ICE agents.

Bionic hand with sense of touch.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year! I actually got to watch the rose parade on tv this year. I watched it once before so it's been a while. I like the message this year, but the one that stuck out was the Los Angeles float and the message that everyone is welcome in Los Angeles. I couldn't think of a more positive message with all the current events this past year.

It's the new year and I like to start on a good note. I turned on the tv a few days ago and saw the man that started the nonprofit organization below speak about some current events. I like what he said and thought I put a link to this organization. I have nothing to do with them in any way shape or form, but I think their mission speaks for itself. No one is perfect but we can all learn something new every day.